Sunday 29 November 2009

Grace get well soon ok.
i will be praying for you.:)

toady's my church mates wedding:)
happy hahah cos i love wedding
it was totally cool especially cos it was a military wedding with those sword thingy.
ohhh, makes me wanna marry a civil servant even more.
kays, i know im random...
and i found some ppl really hot there.
raging hormones, pls forgiv=D
ohh and stupid mirabel,
shouldnt have lost my temper:(
sorry joanne feel bad for pushing everything to u.
and minmin and caleb(doubt u too will read,haha)
argh, i need to have self control to control my attitude and temper...
God help me!

i have been dreaming of VP and him alot...
VP is damn scary!!!
she gives me nightmare.
i need see counsellor to help liao:(
seriously, she comes in my dreams EVERY FREAKING NIGHT!
sorry lah God, but i cant forgive her.
she is so mean!
picks on alot of girls!
i dont feel i was in the wrong.
she is unreasonable!
but i still respect her even though she does not respect me at all.
i will only do that cos God ask me to respect and submit to authority.
ohh, i cant get him out of my mind.
we are 2 diff jigsaw puzzle that can never be matched together.
oh God, if this feeling is not from u.
pls help me take it away.

Larry Childers: Did you do your best, son?
David Childers: I knew I was gonna miss it before it kicked it.
Larry Childers: Your actions will always follow your beliefs, David.
David Childers: Dad, I can't even kick it straight.
Larry Childers: And I can't walk. Should I just stay home and pout about it? If you accept defeat, David, then that's what you'll get.

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