Saturday 30 January 2010

todays verse:
to be completely humble and gentle, patient, bearing with each other in love...

1) to be humble. especially when good things happen. we should always only boast in jesus name.

2) to be gentle. haha perhaps i need to be gentle with my words towards ppl. gentleness not only come physically but also verbally. we all need to learn how to be gentle in our criticism for its really easy to be gentle in encouragement.

3) to be patient. yup this is a real hard task for me. at times, i just want results to come quickly. sadly, i forget that everything is in his time. not MY time. therefore, patient is needed in every prayer. and full faith too!

4) love. ahh, this 4 letter words. it could make you or tear you. perhaps thats why God said: "do not awaken love until the time is right" but the love here im talking about is love for one another. love for our family, firends and even enemies. seems like a hard task to love our enemies right. but if we dont love our enemies, wat difference does it make to pre believers? we are doing the exact same thing thhey would do.

God i really wanna dance for you. but it is time yet?

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