Wednesday 17 February 2010

still waiting....:(

Oh My,
i haven seen u guys since january???
wish all of us could meet soon...
i miss the laughter and the talks to relieve myself from stress!

i feel i slacked alot in class.
1)sleeping in class and tuition
2)eating to stay awake which doesnt work all the time
3)lazy to do homework
4)short attention span
5)feel like giving up on subjects again

even right now, i fear history...
my brain has been pressurized to get a1 for history til i broke down during one of my test!:(
i have never failed history in my life!
much less give a b4 or less for it...
im scared to see ms khai!!!!

Oh LORD, please give me more self control and patiene when i study and while waiting for that answer... Amen

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