Sunday 8 June 2008

mission trip!

yoo............. ppl! so I'm back from Thailand. was superduber fun!!! i don't really think it is a real mission trip because i only spent 4 days in the AHKA centre and 3of the days were travelling out of AHKA centre to visit villages and all. the next days we were in!

1 June:
right after church we left to go to the airport. our destination was chiang rai. took the airplane with minmin is killer! she so scared because the plane was about to take off. tsk tsk... oh well minmin you still got 3 more flight to take so you can take your time to overcome your fear. okay? :] the flight was 3 hours so kexin, minmin and I played games the whole trip. made so much noise! ha ha! oh and guess what? our seats didn't have the button to allow you to lie back. so sad. reach chiang rai was about 9+ at night so the pastor drove his "truck" or "van" to sent us to AHKA centre. when we reach there Ah San Mei jiejie was there and we were also greeted by 4 huge "lucky" we are. we went to our rooms wash up so slept. but minmin scared of the dark so she climb onto kexin bed but it was so squeezely so they spent on the floor. minmin whacks people in her sleep! BEWARE! Danger zone!

2 June:
we woke up at 6+ reaching 7 but do you know that the children there wakes up at 5 to read the BIBLE together and if any of them were caught by the pastor yawning they had to do press up(push up). so 40 students walk about 1km to school and those in secondary were driven to school in the pastor van. for us we were eating our breakfast. i still can't get use to eating rice for breakfast. then after that we set off to the different village. Pa Chi and Hua An village I think. we must go up the mountain to visit the village. the travelling was terrible. i can't imagine how the students always go up and down the mountain every week to attend church. tutored the children there. tough part, the homework was in Thai, fun part, i made new friends! yay for me!

3 June:
went to Big C shopping centre not sure whether it was today to shop. bought 1 shorts and 2 shirt. P.S. the stuff there is super cheap and nice. came back and had to prepare for tomorrow stuff. nothing much to talk about today.

4 June:
went to the school there. the children there are very polite. i love the children! they made me see how fortunate I am. some of those children don't have home to go back to during the holidays. anyway, kexin, minmin, and I taught the primary 1 and 2 colours. i really love to see the smiles on the children face. just a sticker would please them like every single problem was gone because of the sticker. they really very appreciate stuff that they have unlike us. so class the student had 1 hour of free time so "bu kun" asked me to play zero point with them. the girls are like superwoman! they could jump over the rope without touching it at the shoulder level. after that we walked home with them. we will be leaving today. so sad. i really wish to spent more time there, like 1 whole week serving God.

so this are the memorable days i spent in thailand with the children.
God please use me. i want to do more for you God!

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