Saturday 5 December 2009

I'm not a mind reader nor a psychic and definitely not God.
BUT, i totally understand or at least know how u feel.
and like an open book, i know u are 100% not okay.
only problem is, i don't know what to do?
or what to say to help u feel better and maybe ease ur pain.
if i could, i would.
cos that's what friends are for.
even better, that's what good/close/best friends are for.
here i am, giving u my listening ear and a shoulder to cry on if need be.
though i doubt u need the shoulder, ur too strong(not a good thing) and have too much pride to let yourself cry.
honestly, crying is definitely OKAY!!!
so let it out yea?
but if u think about it, u didn't even want to open urself to others.
i mean come on, if u just talk about what is bothering u.
i would give my best shot to help u, even if its hurts me.
cos i really love u.(as a friend of course)
but u dint want to open yourself, or maybe u didn't know how to open urself anymore...
after that big scar.
can understand.
all i ask for is that u give me instruction whether u want me be there for u or u want me leave u alone.
that's all, simple as that.
i will take approach from there.
and also, do u know how i feel?
i feel like a total letdown as ur friend.
i cant do a simple thing like comforting u cos I'm not given the chance.
and when u ask, u push me aside.
i tried, but u said i didn't try.
u did the exact same thing _ _ _ _ _ did.
and that frustrates me.
keep asking myself, am i really that useless?
i cant even tell that my friend wants my help anot?
maybe i am useless...
but i think for sure, I TRIED TO HELP.
u just didn't want my help at all..:(

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