Tuesday 15 December 2009

your the reason that i live, the reason that i sing...

i am pleasantly reminded that life is just not about love or relationships.
it is too shallow of a life to just live for your partner.
when your in a relationship, every single thing seem to surround the person you love.
from what i had learnt, every time i cry is always cos of you, and im always on a roller coaster ride with you and your emotions.
i do not live for you, i do not sing for you, and i do not cry for you.
no one else is allowed to break my heart except for God.
and thats a fact.
truely, all of us deserve more than what our partner can give us now.
now meaning teenagers la! hah

from this day onwards,
i commit my life again back to God.
im so thankful, this wonderful Father never ever forget to forgive me.
and you know what, he is my lover!
and my boyfriend, my father, my listening ear, my comforter, my advicer, and everything else...
i dont need anything else other than God's love to surround me.
so i make this really clear to everyone else now,
learnt that when ur not in good terms with God, your never in good terms with anyone else.
and everything you do, most probably screw up.
so im gonna fast again.
til i make right with God and gain internal strength to clear my temptations 'that blocks me from getting closer to God.

oh, to the special someone, i hope you are doing fine without me. you find someone else, i pretty sure about that. its best this way for both of us. you need ur old life back and i need mine too. thank you for all the bittersweet memories, experience and feelings i never thought i had. i hope we will still remain friends though its ur choice and i wont force you. wish u all the best in O's, NCC, and finding someone better:) til you find the right person, may God's love fill your heart. honestly God is the only one who can fill up the loniness feeling in our heart.i shall end here, gonna miss you.:(

to a girl a kiss speak a thousand words, it tells of the guys character. but to a guy, its just a kiss...

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