lots of things happen this month. i think this month would be labelled "most tear drops month"
1) GLIMB was formed! though the tears i had was not sad tears but happiness. i don't want to say good-bye. i finally found someone in this world who cared for me even in struggles. i love you guys!
2) Exam month. i was mugging for the past 2 weeks for the exam. i thank jiahui and BUG(James) for helping me get A2 in science. amazing huh! last year i got from D7 to E8 for science but now i got my very first A2 in science in secondary school! also thank God for that.
3) Reveal it. i finally told my secret to my trusted cousin(Catherine) and i found out she and i are in the same boat. thank God for that not because she also had the same problem as me but because someone actually understood how i felt and this made me feel comforted.
4) unexpected incident. my god pa passed away on the day i finished exam. i felt so sad that i cried every time i see him in the coffin but i know i should be happy because now he is in paradise seating beside God. i felt that i had no obligation to cry because i wasn't very close to him and i didn't treat him like i should like just saying hello ah gong and bye bye ah gong. he treated me well, he bought my sibling and i MacDonald, provide education for my mum, treated all of us like his children even though he does not have children. god[pa was cremated on mother's day and i would say that was the worst mother's day ever but i know everything God has made a plan for it before hand. when he was cremated i felt this sense of not tears or anger but a sense of joy and freedom because i know god pa is in a better place now where there will be no tears,no death, and full of joy!
5) i think i tore my ligament again! it hurts really badly. but i know that God made me have this pain so that i would get plenty of rest. in a way, it's a good thing. though i know i cannot perform for cultural concert but its better to lose now than later in the future.
6) i gave up my seat for the England trip to ShuLe because i want to save my parents money. everyone say its a stupid decision. how about you God do you think i made a stupid decision. contradiction(P.S. you don't have to understand why i say that because that's between me and God)
7) i learn to play the guitar! so now i can play for cell group. yay me!!!
8) i just want to be loved or cared about. that's all i can ask for but instead, you kick me aside and was biased to my sis. only catherine cared maybe because she my cousin. how about you cous? will you care? but i know there only i and i person who is always beside me...God
9) grow up MIRABEL! think about others than yourself! just accept whatever you have!
remember what God said! honour your parents!
10) Results! so here are the results of God amazing Grace for me!!!
English: 65 B3, its not bad but i know where i went wrong. killer summary ask me write 130 words but how can! i wrote 200 words. yep i didn't type wrongly 200words. haha oh well~
Chinese: 52 C6, my happiest results though not the highest but at least i passed. so I'm not giving up and that's that~
Maths: 77 A1, i was shocked i tell you i thought i was going to fail my maths because of paper 2 but i thank God that all things is possible in Christ who strengthen me~
Science: 70 A2, three cheers for God, Jiahui,James and me! i was shocked! why? because i always fail science that's why~
Geography: 70 A2, a bit disappointing because this is my first A2 in geography in secondary school. my map reading pull me down but I'm still happy with the grade i got~
History: 69 B3, this is definitely disappointing! i screw up that's all i can say!~
Literature: 72 A2, yep my fault. why? i was getting to competitive to put it in a nicer term that the only way for me to listen to God again is that he had to put me down. it hurts okay God? but i know you are doing this for my own good~
Home Econ: 78.5 A1, i think home econ made everyone smile! i improved!!!
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